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Private clients


We work for individuals to help you to put in place Will, Advanced Directors, Lasting Powers of Attorney and comprehensive End of Life plans for your own death and funeral or prepaid Funeral Plans and you can also contract us to carry out a number of post-death tasks on your behalf. These tasks can be as many or few as you wish in order to relieve your loved ones of the administrative burden that will inevitably arise in the wake of your passing. We can also help with obtaining Probate or Letters of Administration.


If you’ve lost someone you love, we are here to help you cope with the funeral organisation and all the post-death practicalities that need to be taken care of following a death. We can also assist you in obtaining Probate or Letters of Administration.


Finding out that a close relative has died is upsetting enough if you live close by; it’s even harder if you live abroad and have the added stress of having to make provision for your family and job while you are away as well as book a flight, hire a car, maybe even arrange accommodation, while also thinking about making funeral arrangements in an area with which you may be unfamiliar. Added to that there’s the stress of not really knowing what’s going on during the time you’re waiting to catch a flight and travelling. Lovingly Managed can relieve you of some of this stress by co-ordinating the funeral arrangements on your behalf if the deceased lives in South Wales, enabling you to take some extra time to organise your life at home before you have to leave and so giving you the peace of mind of knowing that you left everything in order. Later, we can arrange for the shipping of any items you need to be exported to your overseas home and undertake any number of other post-death practical tasks on your behalf (please see our list of services on our Services page), reducing the number of visits you have to make to the UK to wrap up your relative’s estate. You can communicate with us via the telephone and email.


Being the executor of an estate can be extremely time consuming, especially if you’ve never done it before, and if you already have a busy life, or live some miles from where the deceased lived, you may find the process dragging on. Lovingly Managed can relieve you of much of the burden the role of executor brings (please see our Services page), enabling the probate process to be wrapped up efficiently and within a shorter time frame. We can also assist executors with making the application to the Probate Registery for Probate.